Event: SPX 2012 Recap
/Picture taken by ErinSomehow, between a fish fry, a county fair and a wedding reception, Adam and Shawn managed to find time to attend the Small Press Expo (SPX) in Bethesda, Maryland! This made for a crazy busy weekend, but boy did they have a blast! SPX is one of the best comic conventions for indie creators and the floor was filled with incredible talented people selling awesome books. The vibe at the show was so fun and welcoming that once you go you will want to return every year! SPX is a definite must-do convention (especially for those with even the slightest interest in non-mainstream comics).
Runtime 1 hour 5 minutes 25 seconds
Rich Barret and Henry EudyWhile shopping Adam managed to snag several solid interviews with some super-talented creators. Sit back and relax while Lamar Abrams chats about his newest book Remake 3xtra from AdHouse Books. Listen to Ed Piskor talk about his latest ongoing project the Hip Hop Family Tree on Boingboing.net. Hear from first-time SPX exhibitors Rich Barrett and Henry Eudy on their experiences at the show.
Lamar AbramsGet your fill and gear up for next week’s show where Adam and Shawn will review the books they purchased at SPX 2012!
One of the great things about SPX is the feeling of community. It is a fun and exciting show. It is energizing to be around such creative people for two-whole days! Plus, everyone is super nice! The exhibitors all seem happy to be at the show which makes chatting with creators a pleasure. The friendly atmosphere makes catching up with old friends just as easy as making new friends! This year’s show was bigger and better than ever. The guest list included big names like Chris Ware and Dan Clowes in addition to the incredibly talented people who attend year-in and year-out. The Dollar Bin can’t wait to see what next year’s show will bring!
Ed Piskor